Destroy Black Magic Dua

Destroy Black Magic Dua
Destroy Black Magic Dua

Destroy Black Magic Dua

Dua To Destroy Black Magic

Destroy Black Magic Dua, Dua means to ask for Allah’s help when you are in desperate need and you cannot find another way. There are a large number of duas available in holy books of Islam such as Quran, Hadith etc. These duas solve your problem effectively and at the perfect time. You should have a pure heart and a strong desire for a solution to your problem.

Then Allah will provide you with a suitable answer when required. There are many people who suffer the ill-effects of black magic done on them by others. Black magic consists of using sorcery to create problems in the life of another.

It involves invocation of evil spirits, chanting of black magic spells and performing of some rituals. There is specific dua to destroy black magic, dua to get rid of black magic, dua to reverse black magic and dua to remove black magic from stomach.

Black magic is considered very powerful as it can even lead to death. Some examples of black magic spells include bad luck spells, nightmare spells, conjuring spells, binding spells and many more.

Destroy Black Magic Dua

Destroy Black Magic Dua
Destroy Black Magic Dua

It is recommended that if you think that in the future you may be a victim of black magic, then you can protect yourself in advance. It is advised that you don’t eat animal meat, you have full faith in Allah and you buy food only from money you earned. One way to protect yourself is that you can keep the following written and placed on your body when you go to bed at night:

  • “I put myself, my children, my family, my property under Allah’s protection in the name of Allah’s perfected words, from all devils, poisonous animals, and from every evil eye.”

Since black magic is so devastating, you may wonder why it is not destroyed completely. Black magic cannot be destroyed in its entirety because it has been a part of our world since a long time.

The black magic experts are extremely powerful since they have all sorts of evil spirits supporting them. Thus, trying to destroy all of them is close to impossible. Even if you try, it might prove exceedingly detrimental for you. However, you canary a more plausible and easier approach which would be to use dua to get rid of black magic.

It is said to be more effective if you recite the dua yourself if you are the victim. But there may be times when you need to recite it for other people such as for children or mentally unstable person. The following are some of the duas used to nullify effects of black magic:

  • You should recite Surah Al-Fatiha 41 repetitions, 3 times a day.
  • You can recite Surah Al-Mulk one repetition, once a day.
  • You should recite verses 54 to 56 of Al-Araf to destroy effects of black magic.
  • You may recite from Quran, 8 repetitions of chapter 82 and 8 repetitions of chapter 99 before sleeping.
  • You can recite the following 7 repetitions after Salat of Tahajjud:

Allah said “We will strengthen your arm with your brother and we will give you such authority that they will not be able to touch any of you. With our signs both of you and your followers shall certainly triumph.”

There are some of you who may ponder upon whether there is a dua to reverse black magic. That is, can the black magic spell cast on you be reversed to the person who put it on you? Well, although it can be done, it is dangerously risky.

You should realize that the magician who cast a spell on you is super powerful and due to his expertise he will be better than you in any case. In addition, all hell may break lose when he finds out that you are plotting a revenge on him. The retaliation may be too much for you to take as you might die.

Destroy Black Magic Dua

But if you are really inclined towards black magic reversal then you must hire an amal. This amal should be very experienced and powerful. You should be ready to pay him well too.

You should keep in mind that instead of a black magician, a person may have cast a spell on you. In this case, you can simply use dua to reverse black magic.

Note that there are various duas for this purpose and each dua depends on the type of black magic that was put on you. The following are some duas that can be recited for black magic reversal:

  • Surah-Yunus, verse 4
  • Surah-Ibrahim verse 13
  • Surah-Al-Taubah verse 56
  • Surah-Baqarah verse 28, 199, 228 or 245
  • Surah-Aal-e-Imran verse 55 or 83
  • Surah-An-Nisa verse 91
  • Surah-Al-Anaam verse 60
  • Surah-Al-Araf verse 119
  • Surah-Taubah verse 92
  • Surah-Hud verse 4

There are times when black magic is done on foods and drinks that we consume. Hence, after consumption you may suffer from digestion issues and/or unbearable pain in your stomach. When you visit a doctor, he won’t be able to tell you what the problem is.

At this time you can assume that somebody has done black magic on you. There is a dua to remove black magic from stomach and there is a specific method to do so. You must strictly adhere to the procedure for it to work on you.

Note that the method explained below can be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers as well since they have the ability to transfer it directly to their child. The procedure is as follows:

  • You must first prepare Quraanic water. Take 500ml of water and recite verses from Quran. There are many verses that you must recite in a particular order. Then you must blow on the water.
  • Take 1 tsp of Senna leaves and put them in the aforementioned Quraanic water.
  • Leave them for 10 minutes.
  • Drink this on an empty stomach. At first, it is going to hurt your stomach a lot but you must not stop under any circumstance.
  • Continue to drink this potion until you feel better and all the pain in your stomach goes away.

You have seen that there are several duas for every kind of situation in life. Moreover, there are extremely powerful duas for removing and reversing black magic that are available for you in the holy book of Quran.

You must have full faith in Allah in order for the duas to be more effective. You must also be patient. Just know that your problem will be solved and rigorously follow the procedures including the recitations at all times.

You can also protect yourself and your loved ones from black magic in advance using duas. You can take help of an amal who can guide you. Whatever method you choose, do it with full dedication and unwavering faith in Allah. It will surely be beneficial for you.